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All seed was grown in an open pollinated environment & harvested by hand here at Barefoot Ridge.

We cleaned, sorted and packaged all with care so you can share in the magic of growing all of these beautiful plants next season!

Start indoors: Sow seeds 6–8 weeks before the last frost in peat pots, 1/16 inch deep. Keep the soil moist and at a temperature of around 70°F in bright light.

Direct sow: In early spring, lightly press seeds into the soil's surface.

Germination: Seeds should germinate within 10–20 days.

Thinning: When seedlings are big enough to handle, thin them to 12–18 inches apart.

Transplanting: Transplant seedlings to their permanent location when they have a few sets of true leaves.

Watering: Water regularly, especially during dry periods, but avoid overwatering.

Mulching: Mulch with a 2-inch layer of organic material to help retain moisture and suppress weeds.

Deadheading: Regularly deadhead to encourage the plant to continue blooming.

Harvesting: For cut flowers, choose stems with flowers that have just opened.

Saving seeds: When the flower spikes dry and turn brown, remove them and spread them out to dry. Thresh them to remove the seed, or shake the entire plant's seed heads into a container. Store the seed in a cool, dry place.

Spotted bee balm is a native perennial mint that can grow up to 48 inches tall. It's drought tolerant and thrives in dry, sandy conditions. It attracts hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies.

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All seed was grown in an open pollinated environment & harvested by hand here at Barefoot Ridge.

We cleaned, sorted and packaged all with care so you can share in the magic of growing all of these beautiful plants next season!

Start indoors: Sow seeds 6–8 weeks before the last frost in peat pots, 1/16 inch deep. Keep the soil moist and at a temperature of around 70°F in bright light.

Direct sow: In early spring, lightly press seeds into the soil's surface.

Germination: Seeds should germinate within 10–20 days.

Thinning: When seedlings are big enough to handle, thin them to 12–18 inches apart.

Transplanting: Transplant seedlings to their permanent location when they have a few sets of true leaves.

Watering: Water regularly, especially during dry periods, but avoid overwatering.

Mulching: Mulch with a 2-inch layer of organic material to help retain moisture and suppress weeds.

Deadheading: Regularly deadhead to encourage the plant to continue blooming.

Harvesting: For cut flowers, choose stems with flowers that have just opened.

Saving seeds: When the flower spikes dry and turn brown, remove them and spread them out to dry. Thresh them to remove the seed, or shake the entire plant's seed heads into a container. Store the seed in a cool, dry place.

Spotted bee balm is a native perennial mint that can grow up to 48 inches tall. It's drought tolerant and thrives in dry, sandy conditions. It attracts hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies.